The Questions You Should Be Asking

When everything is uncertain, questions abound. But which questions you ask can make a world of difference.

What are the essential conversations you must have right now within your association?

For this episode of Association Chat, we’ll explore the questions you should be asking yourself, your volunteer leaders, and your members right now. We’ll discuss the role of qualitative and quantitative research in times like these and when data is helpful or harmful.

Guests: Glenn Tecker, Robin Wedewer, and Paul Meyer


Register for this discussion with Glenn Tecker, Robin Wedewer, and Paul Meyer happening Tuesday 4/21 at 11 am ET!


Glenn Tecker

About Glenn Tecker:
Glenn is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost experts on association and nonprofit leadership and strategy. Glenn assists organizations in identifying the right strategy to address their challenges of today – and tomorrow.


Robin Wedewer

About Robin Wedewer:
Robin brings 25 years of experience in marketing and market research to client data and competitive challenges, with an impressive portfolio of association and corporate clients that includes TIAA-CREFF, IEEE, Pfizer Animal Health (now Zoetis), AT&T Universal Card, and Frontline.

What people predict about the percentage change of membership, sales or other business metrics after the virus begins to ease is too often based on what they are feeling in the moment,” Robin said.

“There is much more useful and actionable information you can be gathering right now that will help you prioritize, plan for different post-virus scenarios and even innovate.”



Paul Meyer

About Paul Meyer:
From solution-oriented facilitation to training, consultation for strategic direction, revenue creation, alliance building and chapter relations, Paul offers a cohesive and creative approach to the management and development of associations, academic institutions, state governments, medical organizations, and corporations.


Be sure to register for this discussion with Glenn Tecker, Robin Wedewer, and Paul Meyer happening Tuesday 4/21 at 11 am ET.

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