Associations, Event Design, and #IMEX23

|June 13, 2023|

One of the things I love best about going to conferences and trade shows is meeting up with fellow podcasters who I respect and admire.

I was excited to be a guest on the Event Design Collective PODcasts #DESIGNtoCHANGE podcast with Ruud Janssen and Devon Pasha in late May while we were all in Frankfurt for IMEX. Ruud has been my guest on the Association Chat Podcast before talking about event design and his latest book and this was our chance to sit down and catch up on goals, events, and what’s top of mind for association executives lately.

#DESIGNtoCHANGE – Live PODcast recording with special guests onsite at #IMEX23 – Live from IMEX Frankfurt – An open conversation with the creators of #EventCanvas and their new book DESIGN to Change, elevating your ability to look and act beyond the now.
This onsite series features spontaneous conversations with #IMEX23 visitors, speakers, Event Design Enthusiasts, and Certified Event Designers (CED’ers) as well as team members of the Event Design Collective with by the authors Ruud Janssen and Roel Frissen.
Curious questions to learn from real-life current event design experiences to help Event Canvas practitioners elevate DESIGN conversations. Share your experiences and the challenges you face in designing for change. We grow in the direction of the questions we ask, so let’s start the conversation at IMEX.
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