How have I NOT listened to this podcast until just now? Host Bill Sheehan has a fantastic voice for interviewing people, and his genuine interest in his guests is obvious…which should be the norm for every podcaster, but I’m here to tell you that it is not.
In this episode of D2L’s Learning By Association, Bill talks with Tracy Folkes Hanson of CSAE about associations and how a happy association staff makes for better member experiences. It’s true…we gotta treat our team well and tend to the association’s culture! It really does make a difference – go figure!
**Fun story! I started listening to this podcast because I had the good fortune of talking with Bill this week during the Association Chat Weekly Recap, which is an hour of discussion on Zoom where the Association Chat community members can join me for a talk around a hot topic.
This discussion was so good, Bill and I ended up talking about turning it into a webinar or podcast later, so watch for that soon.
You should join me for a future Weekly Recap Discussion on Thursdays at 3 pm ET. They’re awesome!